Thursday, 2 December 2010

On our way (from the plane)

If someone had told me when I first laid eyes/beer-goggles on Phil, that one day I'd marry him, I probably would have concluded them to be mad.

Yet here we are, 4 and a half years on, about to embark on this adventure; maybe the biggest of our lives.  Of course, we have already begun the journey that is marriage; an adventure in itself; but having spent the past two months tending to Phil's every need (thanks to a broken ankle) in the comfort of my family home, I feel that maybe we are yet to experience marriage as it was designed to be.

However, this "great escape" is not a desperate getaway from Mum, Dad and four siblings. (I miss you by the way.)  No, it is an escape from the hum-drum of life as it has been.  A decision to, instead of experiencing the no. 40 bus to and from work every day, to experience the world - God's incredible, beautiful creation.  It's an escape from restraint and regularity, routine and rubbish weather.

We hope this blog will allow you to join us on this journey, and maybe even encourage you to discover your own adventure...

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