After the sheer exhaustion that ensued, post-arrival, in Oceania, two weeks recuperation in Sydney was necessary to recover from the whirlwind that was Asia, and now, as our time back in the western world draws to a close, we have been hit by another almighty wave. For though life in New Zealand is anything but fast-paced, discovery of a new place and its treasures almost every day will eventually take its toll. The ash cloud drama and two day journey that followed it only increased our need to take a break, and so it was with great relief that we arrived at the Villa Romantica, ( home to the Delmonte family.
Organised through WWOOF New Zealand (, we spend two and half restful weeks working in their home and garden; learning to cook authentic Italian cuisine, make bread and cheese, look after chickens, grow herbs and “be organic”. A homey, sun-filled room replaces our chilly van, and for the first time in months we experience that unfamiliar feeling that comes with being settled. When the time comes to leave, we are filled with genuine sadness to be leaving, not only New Zealand, but also this family whose life we have shared, though only briefly, and there is a part of me that just wants to head home to practice making tiramisu and realising the long awaited vegetable garden dream.
Our last night in New Zealand is spent watching the Harry Potter finale with two great friends for whom Auckland is now home; all the time with the knowledge that our Kiwi adventure, the one that we have dreamed about for so many years, is over. But when one adventure ends, another begins, and so, though we leave with sadness, we do so to embark on the third and final part of our journey – South America.
Adios New Zealand. The pleasure has most definitely been all ours.
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